CD Concept 6
CD Concept 06.iso
Coffee Break 2.0
Coffee Break
Coffee Break.rsrc
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with your future prevention (or treatment) of RSIs!
Anyway, enough rambling. I hope you like my program, and good luck
me. I'm happy to help!
stupid question is one that is not asked. So don't feel like you're bothering
please feel free to ask me. I am of the school of thought that the only
In addition, if you have any questions whatsoever about this program,
guarantee that my reply will be timely!
I will get you a timely reply. If you send snail mail, however, I can't
Coffee Break were not my ideas.) If you send me e-mail, I guarantee that
of them. (In fact, many of the features that have found their way into
welcome input, and though I may not use all the ideas I get, I do use a lot
I also invite you to give me your thoughts and ideas about this program. I
register it if you can and if you think the program's worth it.
program is not to make money, but to help people. I'm trusting you to
register Coffee Break, use it anyway. The primary purpose of the
I would also like to say that if you for some reason or another can't
number of my registered users, so I don't doubt that it will help others.
that it actually does you some good. I know it has for me, and for a
First of all, I'd like to say that I hope you enjoy Coffee Break, and I hope
Author's Comments
anyone with an Internet connection started.
are too many to list here. One of the sources listed here should get
There are many other good sources of information about RSIs, but there
There are also a couple good Web sites, for Mosaic fans:
/pub/typing-injury directory.
relevant information (the Typing Injury FAQ, among other things) in the
information. It's address is ftp.csua.berkeley.edu, and you'll find the
There is also an anonymous ftp server from which you can get
in the body of the message.
subscribe rsi
the line
the RSI Newsletter list by sending mail to majordomo@world.std.com with
in the body of the message (subject doesn't matter). You can also get on
subscribe sorehand <your name>
send mail to listserv@ucsfvm.bitnet with the line
First, there is a good e-mail mailing list called Sorehand. To subscribe,
several good (and free) sources available via the Internet.
If you're interested in learning as much as possible about RSIs, there are
For more info about RSIs
you update information through "snail" mail (postal mail).
have an e-mail address, I'd love to know what it is. If you don't, I'll send
have one. I would prefer to notify people of updates via e-mail, so if you
me at ThomasReed@aol.com.
In case you'd like to get in touch with me through e-mail, you can reach
St. Louis, MO 63117
1912 McCausland
Thomas Reed
To register Coffee Break, just send a check for US $5 (or cash) to:
For a list of compatible screen savers, see the table in the Read Me file.
compatible screen saver, you will not be able to turn these options on.
screen saver" and "Pause when saver on" options. If you do not have a
one of a select group of screen savers installed. Namely, the "Built-in
Coffee Break also has several features which will work only if you have
but it should work in theory.)
System 7.x, including a Mac Plus. (I can't say much about anything older,
make the attempt. It should, however, work on ANY machine running
application. It will not work on machines running System 6, so don't even
Coffee Break's biggest limitation is that it is STRICTLY a System 7.x
purpose. Coffee Break is not any use if you only use it when you feel like
the Startup Items folder, I'll only rarely turn it on, which defeats it's
want, but I've found that that doesn't work too well. If I don't keep it in
You could also keep it in a convenient place and launch it only when you
Darkside loads first.
simply change either Coffee Break's or Darkside's name to ensure that
So, it'll turn off all the screen saver options. To avoid this problem,
Darkside, and therefore will not detect that a screen saver is running.
Darkside of the Mac. The reason? Coffee Break will start up before
Note, however, that if you do this, you will have a problem if you use
automatically places itself in the background on startup.
automatically. To make this as convenient as possible, Coffee Break
your Startup Items folder. The next time you restart, it will start up
The easiest way to use Coffee Break is to simply drop it (or an alias) in
Recommended methods of use
timer. You may only activate this feature once between breaks.
current timer, and after the next break, it will be subtracted from the
time setting in the Options dialog. This amount of time will be added to the
to snooze. You may enter an integer no larger than your current work
Coffee Break will display a dialog asking for an amount of time for which
though not without sacrifice. When you activate the snooze feature,
have hit the "snooze" button. This allows you to postpone your break,
If you click on the Timer window with the Command key down, you will
window will be created in the same place you last had it.
Timer window so that every time Coffee Break is launched, the Timer
The "Save window pos." menu item will save the current position of the
it's new location. You should be able to drag it to any position on any
frontmost application, then click anywhere in the window and drag it to
To move the Timer window, simply make sure Coffee Break is the
item is checked.
decrementing timer. It is only visible if the "Show time window" menu
The Timer window is the small window containing a constantly
The Timer window
section of this manual.
For more information about the Hot Key dialog, see the Set Hot Key
The Hot Key Dialog
bring Coffee Break to the front.
Coffee Break's icon. The flashing will stop either at sleep time, or if you
one on the far right) alternate between the current application's icon and
The Flashing icon check box will make the Application menu (you know, the
bar twice at the specified save warn time.
The Flashing menu bar check box will make the computer flash the menu
to be looking right at the specified save warn time.
This is to give you adequate time to save your work if you didn't happen
alert. Until you press the OK button, Coffee Break's timer will pause.
The Alert check box specifies that the computer will remind you with an
able to resume working until the sound has stopped playing.
and change the sound, make sure not to use one too long. You won't be
played asynchronously, so if you decide to do some hacking with ResEdit
warning sound at the specified save warn time. This sound will not be
The Sound check box specifies that the computer will make a special
of this manual.
For information about the save warn time, see the Options Dialog section
warn time. You may check any combination of these items.
This set of options specifies how you will be notified at the specified save
Notification Options
you can't extend the time of your next break when you get close to it!
program changes modes from work time to sleep time, or vice versa. So
Note that these time settings won't take effect until the next time the
value, but is in units of seconds rather than minutes.
sleep time. Like the work and sleep times, this value is also an integer
Save warning time is the time at which you are prompted to get ready for
integer value representing a number of minutes.
minutes of work time.) Like work time, sleep time is also specified by an
minute break and were away for fifteen minutes, you don't lose five
acknowledge the end of sleep time. (This is so that if you specified a ten
locked during a break. Work time will not begin again until you
The Sleep time is the minimum amount of time the computer remains
represents a number of minutes.
specified by entering an integer value (range 1 to 32767), which
is the time that is always displayed in the Timer window. Work time is
The Work time is the time in minutes that you have between breaks. This
Options dialog: work time, sleep time, and save warn time.
There are three times which can be set in the Timer Options section of the
Timer Options
of your monitor can produce eye strain.
sleep. However, I discourage the use of this option, as prolonged viewing
continue to read on-line documentation (though you can't scroll) during
with this option off. The advantage of this option is that it allows you to
Otherwise, a break with this option on works almost the same as a break
screen saver during your break, a timer will be drawn in the menu bar.
breaks. With this option on, instead of displaying Coffee Break's built-in
"Invisible sleep" allows you to change the way Coffee Break handles your
break that is as long as a forced break would be.
you'll get your full work time back if you take an early, "unscheduled"
as your sleep time is set to, it will reset the timer for you. That way,
if Coffee Break is paused due to the screen saver being active for as long
number of seconds in this field.) As an added benefit of the pause option,
screen saver comes on, you stand a chance of gaining or losing up to the
you will also decrease the accuracy of the timer. (Every time your
setting this value higher, you will reduce slowdown (if there is any), but
interval at which the program will check for screen saver activity. By
is grayed out if the "Pause when saver on" option is not on, you enter the
case...) The "Check for screen saver every: ____ seconds" field, which
haven't had any reports of slowdown, but I added this option just in
slightly with this option on. (I haven't found any slowdown on mine, and
results in more work. So, you may find that your computer slows down
timer whenever it detects that a screen saver is on. However, this
The "Pause when saver on" check box tells the program to pause the
and turn it back on when sleep time is over.
method. Coffee Break will turn your screen saver off while in sleep time,
screen savers that support screen saver control through the same
on over it. If you check this item, it only affects AfterDark and any other
anyway, but your screen saver (such as AfterDark) will be able to come
time. If this item is unchecked, the built-in screen saver will come on
whether or not to use Coffee Break's built-in screen saver during sleep
The "Built-In screen saver" check box allows you to tell the program
check the table in the Read Me file.)
(Note: to find out if your screen saver supports the next two options,
option off will not take effect until after the next break.
To prevent casual use of this feature to quit the program, turning this
on the sleep timer will be added to your next break!
Command-X, you may exit sleep mode. However, whatever time is left
Secondly, it gives you an emergency exit from sleep mode. By pressing
choosing Quit will give you the option of actually quitting the program.
will put the program into "Quit pending" mode. If this option is off,
First, it allows you to quit during work time. Ordinarily, choosing Quit
desired. It allows you to do two things that are ordinarily not allowed.
The "Restrict user" option exists to give the user more control, if
when the program is in sleep mode (during a break).
The "Timer in sleep" option lets you see the amount of sleep time left
three times to indicate the end of your break.
you that your break is over. If this option is on, Coffee Break will beep
"Wake up sound" simply specifies whether Coffee Break will beep to alert
in Coffee Break.
The General Options topic allows you to change the miscellaneous options
General Options
Coffee Break application itself.
your preferences are saved not in the Preferences folder, but within the
when you click OK, all the changes in all topics are saved. Also note that
is not necessary to click the OK button when you complete each section --
When you are done editing your options, click the OK button. Note that it
to that topic.
menu. The controls will change to allow you to edit the options pertaining
To change to a different topic, simply choose it from the Topic pop-up
to the topic.
menu, and the OK and Cancel buttons. All other controls change according
The only controls that are static across all topics are the Topic pop-up
Options, and Notification Options.
Break's options are set. The Options topics are General Options, Timer
The Options dialog is a three-part dialog from which almost all of Coffee
The Options dialog
willpower that really wants to keep working (or playing)!
you won't like it because it's working! It's replacing your flimsy
I am WELL aware that many of you won't like this feature, but most likely
added this "feature".
usefulness of this program to ZERO! Since I didn't want that to happen, I
That's cheating, a very nasty type, since it allows you to reduce the
and restart it, thus starting my work time from the beginning again.
myself away from that game of Civilization I was playing, I'd quit the app
sneaky. If I were coming up on the end of my work time, and couldn't tear
Let me offer a quick explanation for this behavior. People like me are
the Options Dialog section of this manual.
For more information on the Restrict User option, see the information in
will not quit until after the next break.
you will be put into "Quit pending" mode. This means that Coffee Break
unless you have turned the Restrict User option off in the Options dialog,
This doesn't work quite the way you would expect. When you select Quit,
this manual appropriate for the dialog youΓÇÖre currently viewing.
methods when a dialog is open), Help on Wheels will display the section of
either Command-? or the Help key to activate help (these will be the only
manner. If you have one of Coffee BreakΓÇÖs dialogs open, and you use
Coffee Break handles on-line help in a somewhat context-sensitive
extended keyboard) you may press Command-?.
menu, or you may press the Help key, or (in case you donΓÇÖt have an
may also use the Coffee Break Help menu item under the Balloon Help
This is only one of the many ways you may invoke this on-line help. You
want it.
timer resetting during a pause, but is there for those of you who might
out. This option is really not that necessary, with the possibility of the
This menu item will allow you to start your break before the timer runs
Sleep Now
the alternatives were a little too messy for my tastes.
comes to the front. I know that this isn't wonderfully user-friendly, but
just tap the keys. You must hold down the keys until the application
When you use the hot key to bring the application to the front, you can't
anything else.)
exceptions -- Esc or Clear might be okay if you never use those keys for
of only a non-modifier key, but I wouldn't recommend it. (With a few
plus one non-modifier key. It is possible to define a hot key that consists
of the modifier keys (Command, Shift, Caps Lock, Option, and Control)
place of the old one. Valid key combinations can contain any combination
Simply press any key combination, and you'll see it appear in the box in
should be set when you receive this program is Command-Option-p.)
containing an outlined box with a hot key displayed in it. (The hot key that
When you choose this menu item, you will be presented with a dialog
For an alternative pausing method, see the section about the Options
of time than the current sleep time setting, the timer will reset.
addition, if the program remains paused in this manner for a longer period
something during work time, but you don't want to loose that time. In
as a convenient way to "pause" the timer if you need to get up and do
Since the timer stops whenever the application is in the front, this serves
Allows you to set a hot key which brings the application to the front.
Set Hot Key...
section of this manual.
For more information about the Timer window, see the Timer Window
confusing if you had both installed anyway!)
interfering with SuperClock and similar programs. (And would be darn
with the timer. I could have put it in the menu bar, but that would risk
By the way, there IS a reason that I didn't do something a little "cleaner"
there nonetheless.
really very little reason to hide the Timer window, but this option is
item is checked, the Timer window is visible. In my opinion, there is
This item allows you to hide and show the Timer window. When this menu
Show time window
section of this manual.
For information on moving the Timer window, see the Timer Window
have to move the window every time you start up.
Saves the current position of the Timer window. This is so that you don't
Save Window Pos.
For details on the Options dialog, see the Options Dialog section of this
Presents you with a dialog in which you may set the various options.
menu.) A description of each item will follow.
which are in the File menu. (Not counting the About item in the Apple
The interface is fairly simple -- there are only six menu items, all of
The Menus
of this manual.
heavy-handed, see the "Restrict user" option in the Options Dialog section
For information about how to make Coffee Break a little less
might lose power!)
we want to be careful, don't we? After all, you never know when you
your work. (Not that Coffee Break should cause you to loose any of it, but
This prevents control being taken away before you have a chance to save
that point, the program will tell you you'd better wrap things up soon.
to avoid a break, I added a "warning period," and when the timer reaches
In an attempt to lessen this problem without making it easier for the user
forcing breaks, and would not want the break to catch them by surprise.
I expected that many people might object to such a brutal method of
will display some RSI-related pictures.
forcing you to take a break from typing. While it's locked, the program
of your Mac. It will lock your computer for a specified period of time,
hits zero, Coffee Break will move into the foreground, taking total control
It will quietly sit in the background, timer ticking away. When the timer
which constantly counts down.
The only evidence of it's existence is the window containing a timer,
Coffee Break is an application that sits in the background most of the time.
How Coffee Break does itΓÇÖs job
time I start to type.
hands didnΓÇÖt ever hurt up until about a year ago -- now they hurt every
computer, I strongly recommend that you still use this program. My
that you believe is caused by the hours you spend in front of the
Even if you never have trouble with your hands, arms, shoulders, or back
prove invaluable.
just can't tear yourself away from that game -- this program may just
knowing all the while that you're setting yourself up for a RSI, but you
those of you who sit for hours on end in front of your computer --
The sole purpose of Coffee Break is to replace your weak willpower. For
syndrome. It does this by forcing you to take a break every so often.
chances of getting a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI), such as carpal tunnel
Coffee Break is an application that is designed to help you reduce your
What is Coffee Break?
pertinent section.
text. You may also click on underlined text to skip directly to the
section by clicking it in the Table of Contents list to the right of the help
If youΓÇÖre new to the Help on Wheels application, you may skip to any
BreakΓÇÖs menus, dialogs and windows, and suggestions for use.
This manual is organized by component. The components describe Coffee
Conventions in this manual
AWOL Software Productions, and may be freely distributed.
the individual program. Help on Wheels is © 1994 by Ross Brown of
designed to take the burden of the complexities of handling on-line help off
This manual was was written using Help on Wheels, a help server program
the end of this help.
For more information about registering this program, see the Read Me or
address listed in the Read Me file or the end of this documentation.
Coffee Break is shareware. If you keep it, you should send $5 to the
disk mailer to the address at the end of this document.
contact me for a copy. Just send a disk and a stamped, self-addressed
check that provider's archives. If you don't have any 'net access, you can
have access through a service provider, such as CompuServe, you could
Internet access, you can find it on any major Internet archive. If you
Help on Wheels, you may find it many places (it's freeware). If you have
applications to display context-sensitive help. If you would like a copy of
Brown of AWOL Software Productions, which can be used by multiple
yourself.) Help on Wheels is a help server application, written by Ross
Wheels is. (Unless you saved the help to this document from HoW
If you are reading this paragraph, you are probably curious what Help on
åTable of Contents
Copyright 1994, by Thomas Reed
┬╗Coffee Break